miércoles, 18 de noviembre de 2009

Post # 12 (last post!): A brief essay

The technologies are more important at Universidad. Because in the different subject is necessary research information in the internet.
I think that different technologies are more important in the life the all people, because always is necessary occupied.
The banks, big stores, supermarket, pharmacy, etc, all occupy the technologies. In this times people read in internet, write with different people.
In this moment the life is easier for the technologies. You can have more time
Before people had gone to the library all time for study, people had laundry with their hand.
And now this is easier. People have more time in their life.
It is more comfortable, because I can do the work for the university in my home in internet alone or I can do the work with my classmen in internet. I like this, because is not necessary go to the home the other person.
I had that do much work in my computer. This year I have a laptop; it is more comfortable, because I can work in my bed in the winter and I can to move all time, example while I travel to Valparaiso, I go with my laptop, and I can work in the weekend.
In all my subject I occupy the technologies, because is easier. I can research in internet different things, and is faster. It not necessary goes to the different places.
Cell phone also is more important, because I can call the different professor when I have questions.
The e-mail also is more important because at night and the weekend we can connect in the computer. We can work in line, or write with the different professors or the student.
The work is faster, we can research questions in the internet.
I think that the technologies are very good for all people, because we have more time and the life is more comfortable.
I think that the technologies are more expensive. Poor people don’t have much access to the technologies. In this moment people can buy these technologies with the credit card.
I think the credit card are good, because to allow buy this technologies.
In the poor houses people don’t have access to the internet I think that is too bad. I think that all people have access to these technologies.
The poor people go to the cyber cafe this is not expensive, but they don’t have privacy.
In my life the technologies are more important and the university is more important because the professor said all time “send me the works to my e-mail”.

miércoles, 11 de noviembre de 2009

Post # 10: Challenges in your discipline

I think that my discipline is very important in the society. The educations it is a very important subject, because it have much problems.
The firs problems are that the poor students go the public school, and these are in general too bad.
These students have bad teacher, and the infrastructure is too bad. They don’t have the conditions necessary to study.
It is necessary change the system educations in Chile.
These students in general are too poor. And they don’t have opportunities in their life.
In the public sector is very necessary the technologies, because this make the procedure more fast.
People can to carry out faster.
It is more important that all people have access to technologies, because the life is easier.
People have more opportunities in the life.
It in necessary that the government takes measures in different areas, for example the healthy life.
In this moment Chile have a big problems with the populations, because people are very fat, it is too bad for the health, is very necessary that the government take measures.
Is necessary having more square and big park to people can go run or can they go ride in bicycle.
In the school the children eat fast food and snack too bad for the health, and the little student are very fat.
It is very necessary that people practice more exercise at school, work and their free times.
Is true that the gym o bicycle is expensive, but is necessary that people take conscience.
Other matter important is the delinquency. Poor people in this country don’t have more opportunities, because the educations aren’t good, and it is too expensive. The poor people don’t have the opportunities can go to the university or study in an institute.
Is necessary that the government work in this subject, because is very important for the society.
All people would take the same opportunities in the life.
Is very important prevent the delinquency, take the children that have society risk and help before the problems.
I think that the government has a important role in the society, and the rest of people also have responsibility.

miércoles, 4 de noviembre de 2009

Post # 9: Improving your faculty facilities.

My faculty always have problems. The principal problem is the building because is too old, and have bad maintenance. The schoolyard is too small for all people.
Other problem we have it is the refectory, because the food is not good and the price is too expensive, and they don’t have much vaudeville the snack.
Other problem important it is with the professor, because they come to this faculty for their class and when the students need speak with they, it is very difficult.
We have professor too bad in this faculty. For example they don’t go to the class, or not present all content. And after the test was very difficult for we.
Is necessary improve the building, because this it is very dangerous if happen a earthquake.
And is necessary to contract the new professors. And they have more experience in the public sector.
The professor should do investigations with the student, in other countries the professor do that.
The last year the students stopped the class for one month, and claim front the authorities.
In result was created a commission for study we demands. And this year we saw improvements.
Is necessary we have patience, because the change it is very slow.
I think that this improvement will very good for the next student.
Is probably we have a new building. I think the new building will in many years more.
We have the new headmaster; I think he is very good. And in this moment the professors bad were dismissed. And were recruited the new professors.